I am trying to execute some option steps if the previous step is failing. I need to download the old artifacts in order to avoid that my Terraform build action is not detecting changes. Therefore I added a diff action to identify if the docker file to build the zip-layer has changed, if there is no change the old artifacts from a previous execution should be downloaded. In some cases the last execution does not contain the artifacts e.g. failure of the jobs. In that case I would like to get the latest version based on the existing docker image. Note: The code is part of a matrix execution but for simplicity I reduced the action to the problem area.
needs: job_prepare
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
matrix: ${{fromJson(needs.job_prepare.outputs.layer_matrix)}}
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: matrix name
run: |
echo ${{ matrix.path }}
- uses: technote-space/get-diff-action@v3
id: git_diff
PREFIX_FILTER: ${{ matrix.prefix }}
- name: LayerDockerBuild
id: layerDocker
if: steps.git_diff.outputs.diff
run: |
docker build ...
docker push ...
- name: Layer via Artifacts
if: (steps.git_diff.outputs.diff == false)
uses: dawidd6/action-download-artifact@v2
workflow: review.yml
name: ${{ matrix.name }}
- name: Layer via Docker
if: steps.git_diff.outputs.diff && ${{ failure() }}
id: layerD
run: |
docker pull "docker.pkg.github.com/$REPO_NAME/$IMAGE_ID:$VERSION"
docker run --rm -v $GITHUB_WORKSPACE:/data docker.pkg.github.com/$REPO_NAME/$IMAGE_ID:$VERSION cp /packages/${{ matrix.name }}.zip /data
- name: Upload layer zip
if: ${{ always() }}
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
name: ${{ matrix.name }}
path: ${{ matrix.name }}.zip
The problem is basically the logic in the line if: steps.git_diff.outputs.diff && ${{ failure() }}
thanks for your help on any hints how to make the step option when the diff is false and the step ~Layer via Artifacts~ is not failing.
To execute your step if the previous one was not a failure you can just set failure() without brackets. With the if, no need of brackets.
if: steps.git_diff.outputs.diff && failure()
Hope it will help