I added in-app purchases to my ios app on swiftui. After making a test purchase, a alert appears stating that the purchase was successful (I did not add this alert). At the same time, the method that tracks the successful state of the purchase is called only when I click on the "Ok" button on this alert.
Question: Does the real purchase have this system notification that the purchase is complete or failed? Or is it only during testing and I can add my own visual processing to immediately react to the state of the transaction without this system alert and clicking "ok" on this alert.
In production there's an iOS alert too and of course the same iOS delegate methods are called as well.
Asking this shows you want to thoroughly understand IAP. This is great, because getting IAP right is important. People pay attention when buying something, so slight app misbehaviour, especially during IAP, may give some of your users a bad feeling.
Good luck and welcome at StackOverflow.