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Change url in python

how can I change the activeOffset in this url? I am using Python and a while loop

It first should be 10, then 20, then 30 ...

I tried urlparse but I don't understand how to just increase the number



  • If this is a fixed URL, you can write activeOffset={} in the URL then use format to replace {} with specific numbers:

    url = "{}&orderBy=kh&orderDirection=ASC"
    for offset in range(10,100,10):

    If you cannot modify the URL (because you get it as an input from some other part of your program), you can use regular expressions to replace occurrences of activeOffset=... with the required number (reference):

    import re
    url = ""
    query = "activeOffset="
    pattern = re.compile(query + "\\d+") # \\d+ means any sequence of digits
    for offset in range(10,100,10):
      # Replace occurrences of pattern with the modified query
      print(pattern.sub(query + str(offset), url))

    If you want to use urlparse, you can apply the previous approach to the fragment part returned by urlparse:

    import re
    from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse
    url = ""
    query = "activeOffset="
    pattern = re.compile(query + "\\d+") # \\d+ means any sequence of digits
    parts = urlparse(url)
    for offset in range(10,100,10):
      fragment_modified = pattern.sub(query + str(offset), parts.fragment)
      parts_modified = parts._replace(fragment = fragment_modified)
      url_modified = urlunparse(parts_modified)