Search code examples

LISP function that returns complete binary tree

I am trying to do a lisp function that will receive a list and will return a complete binary tree whose nodes are populated from the elements of the list in the same order.
For example,
(makeTree '(4 3 9 10))
(4 (3 (9 () ()) ()) (10 () ()))

enter image description here

To do it, I am using a function that splits the list in 2. So, what I did is tried to separate the head of the list from it's tail and then use the split function to be able to do the binary tree. But I am having trouble implementing it. Can someone help me please?
Here is my code so far:

(defun aux-head (l n)
   (if (= n 0) '()
       (cons (car l) (aux-head (cdr l)(- n 1)))))
(defun aux-tail (l n)
   (if (= n 0) l
       (aux-tail (cdr l) (- n 1))))
(defun split (lst)
       ((null lst) '(()()))
       ((evenp (length lst))
          (list (aux-head lst (/ (length lst) 2))(aux-tail lst (/ (length lst) 2))))
       ((oddp (length lst))
          (list (aux-head lst (+ (floor (length lst) 2) 1))
                (aux-tail lst (+ (floor (length lst) 2) 1))))))
(defun make-cbtree (lst)
       ((null lst) '(()()))
       ((car lst)
          ((split ((cdr lst)))))))


  • the common approach to creating a binary search tree is to add items one by one. It could look like this:

    (defun add-node (tree val)
      (if (null tree)
          (list val () ())
          (destructuring-bind (v l r) tree
            (if (< val v)
                (list v (add-node l val) r)
                (list v l (add-node r val))))))

    this one inserts the value into the proper position (rebuilding the tree, immutable style):

    CL-USER> (add-node (list 1 nil nil) 2)
    ;; (1 NIL (2 NIL NIL))
    CL-USER> (add-node (list 1 nil nil) 0)
    ;; (1 (0 NIL NIL) NIL)

    what you need next, is to process input list one by one, adding it to the tree, starting from the empty one:

    (defun make-tree (data)
      (reduce #'add-node data :initial-value nil))
    CL-USER> (make-tree (list 4 3 9 10))
    ;; (4 (3 NIL NIL) (9 NIL (10 NIL NIL)))

    you can also make up the traverse procedure:

    (defun traverse (tree)
      (when tree
        (append (traverse (cadr tree))
                (list (car tree))
                (traverse (caddr tree)))))
    CL-USER> (traverse (make-tree (list 4 3 9 10)))
    ;; (3 4 9 10)