I am using ipyvuetify to code an app to be rendered with voila and I would like to use an image as icon for footer (or in the future for a button). Any idea how to do it?
This is the code for an icon
v.Footer( absolute = False,
children= [v.Col(class_="text-center", cols="12", children=[v.Icon(children=['fingerprint']),'BMW - 2020 - alpha version 0.0. powered by Soft company PPP'])]
I want to use my own logo instead of the predefined fingerprint. So how can I load an image and give a relative size to the font.
Currently there seems to be no good way to simply pass relative link to ipyvuetify and have it display the image (if there).
A workaround I found is to open the file with ipywidgets and pass this to ipyvuetify as object:
import ipywidgets as widgets
file = open( 'LINK_TO_YOUR_ICON', 'rb')
image = file.read()
img = widgets.Image(value=image, format='png')
v.Footer( absolute = False,
children= [v.Col(class_="text-center", cols="12", children=[img,'BMW - 2020 - alpha version 0.0. powered by Soft company PPP'])]
check if this solves your problem ;)