Suppose I have the embedding layer e
like this:
import tensorflow as tf
e = tf.keras.layers.Embedding(5,3)
How can I print its numpy values?
Thank @vald for his answer. I think e.embeddings
is more pythonic and maybe efficient.
import tensorflow as tf
e = tf.keras.layers.Embedding(5,3) # You should build it before using.
<tf.Variable 'embeddings:0' shape=(5, 3) dtype=float32, numpy=
array([[ 0.02099125, 0.01865673, 0.03652272],
[ 0.02714007, -0.00316695, -0.00252246],
[-0.02411103, 0.02043924, -0.01297874],
[ 0.00766286, -0.03511617, 0.03460207],
[ 0.00256425, -0.03659264, -0.01796588]], dtype=float32)>