I am blitting highlightings in a game. Along with that I want to set a timer for firing a custom event which tells the main driver to remove those highlightings after x milliseconds. like so:
coords = (3, 5) # the coordinates of the highlighted square
pygame.time.set_timer(p.event.Event(REMOVE_HIGHLIGHT_EVENT, square=coords).type, milliseconds=2000, once=True)
and in the main loop:
while running:
for e in pygame.event.get():
But I am getting AttributeError: 'Event' object has no attribute 'square'
So apparently I cannot set the attribute this way. I have thought about encoding the coordinates I want to give along in the integer representing the event type, but that seems really unpythonic to me. Is there a better way to pass this information along?
Thanks in advance.
You've misunderstood how pygame.time.set_timer()
works. The instruction
pygame.time.set_timer(p.event.Event(REMOVE_HIGHLIGHT_EVENT, square=coords).type, milliseconds=2000, once=True)
doesn't make any sense. In fact, you are creating a temporary event object that goes nowhere. You're trying to invent a feature that doesn't exist.
You cannot attach a custom pygame.event.Event()
object to a timer event. set_timer
has 2 arguments, the event id and the time, but nothing else. See Timer in Pygame.
The only way to post a customer event is pygame.event.post()