I have an error in Xcode.
I've tried version 12.1 and 11.7. The error occurs in both versions. How can you fix this error?
../../../.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/getflutter 1.1.3/lib/components/appbar/gf_appbar.dart:311:57: Error: No named parameter with the name 'nullOk'.
final ScaffoldState scaffold = Scaffold.of(context, nullOk: true);
../../../downloads/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/material/scaffold.dart:1918:24: Context: Found this candidate, but the arguments don't match.
static ScaffoldState of(BuildContext context) {
Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code
same issue on
Flutter (Channel master, 1.24.0-7.0.pre.43)
fixed by flutter change channel to stable
Flutter (Channel stable, 1.22.3)