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WorkManager set up with KOIN

I'm trying to set up work manager to do some work and I'm having trouble initializing it. Im using KOIN workmaanger dsl

implementation "org.koin:koin-androidx-workmanager:2.2.0-rc-4"

and my worker class looks like this

class NotificationsScheduler(
    private val dispatchers: AppCoroutineDispatchers,
    private val getTaskUseCase: GetTaskUseCase,
    private val context: Context,
    private val workerParameters: WorkerParameters
) : Worker(context, workerParameters) {

    override fun doWork(): Result {

What I've done so far is disabled default initializer

    tools:node="remove" />

My worker module is set up like this

val workerModule = module {
    worker { NotificationsScheduler(get(), get(), get(), get()) }

and it is added in list used in startKoin DSL. I've also used workManagerFactory() DSL to set up factory.

startKoin {

What I'm having trouble with, is that it crashes when app start with exception:

 Caused by: org.koin.core.error.NoBeanDefFoundException: No definition found for class:''. Check your definitions!


  • Just take NotificationsScheduler class implements KoinComponent and inject the AppCoroutineDispatchers and GetTaskUseCase instances by inject() like this:

    class NotificationsScheduler(context: Context, parameters: WorkerParameters) : CoroutineWorker(context, parameters), KoinComponent {
        private val dispatchers: AppCoroutineDispatchers by inject()
        private val getTaskUseCase: GetTaskUseCase by inject()

    In worker module:

    val workerModule = module {
        worker { OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder<AlarmNotificationHandleWorker>().run{
             ,ExistingWorkPolicy.APPEND, this)

    Make sure you had provided the GetTaskUseCase and AppCoroutineDispatchers instances Updated: Koin 2.2.0 release:

    implementation "org.koin:koin-androidx-workmanager:2.2.0"

    Update your Worker class

     class NotificationsScheduler(private val dispatchers: AppCoroutineDispatchers,private val getTaskUseCase: GetTaskUseCase,context: Context, parameters: WorkerParameters) : CoroutineWorker(context, parameters), KoinComponent {

    And here you are:

    val workerModule = module {
            worker { NotificationsScheduler(get(),get(),androidContext(),get())  }

    Thanks @p72b