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Filter LookUpEditor for user table using temp

I have added a column for UserType on user's table.

I have referenced User table on Unit table.

I have added a LookUpScript on UnitsRow as shown below:

[DisplayName("Lecturer"), NotNull, ForeignKey("[dbo].[Users]", "UserId"), LeftJoin("jLecturer"), TextualField("Lecturer")]
        [LookupEditor(typeof(UserRow), FilterField = "UserType", FilterValue = UserTypes.Lecturer)]
        public Int32? LecturerId
            get { return Fields.LecturerId[this]; }
            set { Fields.LecturerId[this] = value; }

UserType is of type enum, as shown below:

public enum UserTypes
    [Description("Admin")] Admin = 1,
    [Description("Lecturer")] Lecturer = 2,
    [Description("Student")] Student = 3

However, when I go to add a new unit/edit an existing one the dropdown is empty. I have 3 users in the database and one user is of type UserTypes.Lecturer

Please advise what I am missing.


  • Create a new lookupclass for lecture( admin , student)

        using Serenity.ComponentModel;
        using Serenity.Data;
        using Serenity.Web;
        using System.Linq;
        using BaseRow = Entities.UserRow;
        public sealed class LecturerRow: RowLookupScript<BaseRow>
            private static BaseRow.RowFields fld => BaseRow.Fields;
            public LecturerRow()
                IdField = fld.Id.PropertyName;
                TextField = fld.Userdetails.PropertyName;
            protected override void PrepareQuery(SqlQuery query)
                    .Select(fld.user, fld.username , fld.UserTypes)
                    .Where(fld.UserTypes== 2);
            protected override void ApplyOrder(SqlQuery query)
                    .OrderBy(fld.username );enter code here