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How to retrieve wiki links attached to a Work Item

I am trying to extract wiki links from Azure DevOps using the azure-devops python package. Is this something feasible to do using WIQL? Retrieving item-to-item links can be done like this:

        SELECT * FROM workitemLinks 
        WHERE (Source.[System.AreaPath] Under 'devOpsTesting\\testArea')
        AND ([System.Links.LinkType] = 'System.LinkTypes.Hierarchy-Forward')
        AND (Source.[System.Id] = 3)  
        ORDER BY [System.Id]
        MODE (Recursive)

Is there a similar solution for wiki links, if not how would one retrieve them?


  • We cannot list the work links for wiki links via WIQL query. If the link does not contain work items, we could not get the result we want.

    As a test result, I found that if we link wiki to work item, the value of field External Link Count will be greater than 0.

    As a workaround, we could use REST API to list all work items that External Link Count is greater than 0.


    POST{Org name}/{Project name}/{Team name}/_apis/wit/wiql?api-version=6.0

    Request Body:

     {"query": "Select [System.Id], [System.Title], [System.State] From WorkItems Where [System.TeamProject] = @project and [System.WorkItemType] = 'User Story' AND [External Link Count] > '0' order by [Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Priority] asc, [System.CreatedDate] desc"

    Now, we could list work item IDs.


    enter image description here

    Then we check the work item detail info via REST API.

    GET{Org name}/{Project name}/_apis/wit/workitems/{Work item ID}?$expand=all&api-version=6.1-preview.3

    We need notice the field, If the work item links wiki, we could check it via this field.


    enter image description here


    retrieve wiki links attached to a Work Item

    List work item IDs via REST API and power shell.

    Power shell script:

    $base64AuthInfo= [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(":$($connectionToken)"))
    $WorkItemQueryURL = "{Org name}/{project}/{team name}/_apis/wit/wiql?api-version=6.0" 
    $body =@"
      "query": "Select [System.Id], [System.Title], [System.State] From WorkItems Where [System.TeamProject] = @project and [System.WorkItemType] = 'User Story' AND [External Link Count] > '0' order by [Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Priority] asc, [System.CreatedDate] desc"
    $WorkItem = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $WorkItemQueryURL -ContentType "application/json" -Body $body -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $base64AuthInfo)} -Method POST
    #Write-host $
    ForEach ($ID in $
     $WorkItemInfoURL = "{org name}/{project name}/_apis/wit/workitems/$($ID)?" + "$" + "expand=1&api-version=6.1-preview.3" 
     $WorkItemInfo = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $WorkItemInfoURL -Headers @{authorization = "Basic $base64AuthInfo"} -Method Get
     #Write-host   $
     if ($ -eq "Wiki Page"){  
      Write-host $ID


    enter image description here


    Rest API:

    GET{Org name}/{project name}/_apis/wit/workitems/{wok item ID}?$expand=all&api-version=6.1-preview.3


    We could get the wiki name via the response url link.

    enter image description here