Simply put, let us say I have the following OCaml file called
[Test] is a sample module for showing the problem I am having with @ tags with OCamlDoc
[id] is the identity function. For any argument [x], [id x] is [x].
@param x The argument, which will be returned
@return The argument [x]
let id (x: 'a): 'a = x
If I run the command ocamldoc -html -all-params -colorize-code
to get the documentation for the Test
module, I get the following result:
As can be seen, for the parameter information, it puts ()
as the name of the parameter and does not include a description for the parameter for some reason.
I am unsure why the parameter name and description are not properly showing up.
If you write let id x = x
the display is correct:
The problem is that ocamldoc will not display @param
if you provide a tag that doesn't match a named argument but it's not able to extract a named argument from (id : type)
This is a known bug but sadly nobody touched it so...