I have an issue with my azure build pipeline for a Xamarin mobile app in iOS. The issue required mono version 6.10.0 to be available on the build server. Currently the pre-installed image for macOS 10.14 only contains Mono up to version 6.08. The image for macOS 10.15 does contain the right version of Mono but due to internal reasons I am unable to upgrade to 10.15 at this point.
Is there a way to update the pipeline to install the new version of Mono before building? Or are we completely limited to the software that is included in the image? I am using a microsoft hosted server.
Is there a way to update the pipeline to install the new version of Mono before building?
As you said, the Mono version 6.10.0 doesn't exist in the Microsoft-Hosted Agent: Macos-10.14, but you could run the script before the Xamarin task to install the target Mono version.
Here is the pipeline example:
- bash: |
set -ex
mkdir -p /tmp/mono-install
cd /tmp/mono-install
# debug: mono version before the install
mono --version
# download mono mac installer (pkg)
wget -q -O ./mono-installer.pkg "$MONO_MACOS_PKG_DOWNLOAD_URL"
# install it
sudo installer -pkg ./mono-installer.pkg -target /
# debug: mono version after install, just to confirm it did overwrite the original version
mono --version
# just for fun print this symlink too, which should point to the version we just installed
ls -alh /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current
displayName: 'Bash Script'
- script: |
mono -V
cat `which mcs`
displayName: 'Command Line Script'
Here is a Blog about install the mono.