I'm working through the book "Get Programming with Haskell": https://www.manning.com/books/get-programming-with-haskell
There is a lesson introducing OOP in a functional style, using fighting robots as an example:
robot (name,attack,hp) = \message -> message (name,attack,hp)
killerRobot = robot ("Kill3r",25,200)
name (n,_,_) = n
attack (_,a,_) = a
hp (_,_,hp) = hp
getName aRobot = aRobot name
getAttack aRobot = aRobot attack
getHP aRobot = aRobot hp
setName aRobot newName = aRobot (\(n,a,h) -> robot (newName,a,h))
setAttack aRobot newAttack = aRobot (\(n,a,h) -> robot (n,newAttack,h))
setHP aRobot newHP = aRobot (\(n,a,h) -> robot (n,a,newHP))
nicerRobot = setName killerRobot "kitty"
gentlerRobot = setAttack killerRobot 5
softerRobot = setHP killerRobot 50
printRobot aRobot = aRobot (\(n,a,h) -> n ++
" attack:" ++ (show a) ++
" hp:"++ (show h))
damage aRobot attackDamage = aRobot (\(n,a,h) ->
robot (n,a,h-attackDamage))
fight aRobot defender = damage defender attack
where attack = if (getHP aRobot) > 10
then getAttack aRobot
else 0
gentleGiant = robot ("Mr. Friendly", 10, 300)
gentleGiantRound1 = fight killerRobot gentleGiant
killerRobotRound1 = fight gentleGiant killerRobot
gentleGiantRound2 = fight killerRobotRound1 gentleGiantRound1
killerRobotRound2 = fight gentleGiantRound1 killerRobotRound1
gentleGiantRound3 = fight killerRobotRound2 gentleGiantRound2
killerRobotRound3 = fight gentleGiantRound2 killerRobotRound2
fastRobot = robot ("speedy", 15, 40)
slowRobot = robot ("slowpoke",20,30)
fastRobotRound3 = fight slowRobotRound3 fastRobotRound2
fastRobotRound2 = fight slowRobotRound2 fastRobotRound1
fastRobotRound1 = fight slowRobotRound1 fastRobot
slowRobotRound2 = fight fastRobotRound1 slowRobotRound1
slowRobotRound3 = fight fastRobotRound2 slowRobotRound2
slowRobotRound1 = fight fastRobot slowRobot
I saw how the example fights at the bottom of the code had to create new variables to store objects created after each fight, since each object is really just a closure that stores its state and the closure needs to be bound to something.
I was curious to see if I could attack a robot many times in succession using the damage
function. The lesson before this introduced higher order functions, including foldl
, so I tried to damage the gentleGiant
robot multiple times using it:
pummeledGiant = foldl damage gentleGiant [100,50,100,500]
but I get this error:
• Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type:
t1 ~ (([Char], Integer, Integer) -> t1) -> t1
Expected type: ((([Char], Integer, Integer)
-> (([Char], Integer, Integer) -> t1) -> t1)
-> (([Char], Integer, Integer) -> t1) -> t1)
-> Integer
-> (([Char], Integer, Integer)
-> (([Char], Integer, Integer) -> t1) -> t1)
-> (([Char], Integer, Integer) -> t1)
-> t1
Actual type: ((([Char], Integer, Integer)
-> (([Char], Integer, Integer) -> t1) -> t1)
-> (([Char], Integer, Integer)
-> (([Char], Integer, Integer) -> t1) -> t1)
-> (([Char], Integer, Integer) -> t1)
-> t1)
-> Integer
-> (([Char], Integer, Integer)
-> (([Char], Integer, Integer) -> t1) -> t1)
-> (([Char], Integer, Integer) -> t1)
-> t1
• In the first argument of ‘foldl’, namely ‘damage’
In the expression: foldl damage gentleGiant [100, 50, 100, 500]
In an equation for ‘pummeledGiant’:
pummeledGiant = foldl damage gentleGiant [100, 50, 100, ....]
• Relevant bindings include
pummeledGiant :: (([Char], Integer, Integer)
-> (([Char], Integer, Integer) -> t1) -> t1)
-> (([Char], Integer, Integer) -> t1) -> t1
(bound at <interactive>:2:1)
My understanding is that foldl
takes 3 arguments:
and progressively applies the binary function to pairs of values in a left-wise manner, starting with the initial value and the first value in the list of values, "chaining" the result, e.g.:
foldl (+) 0 [1..3] = ((0 + 1) + 2) + 3
I don't understand the error that I encountered and can't see any logical issue with how I used foldl
. What have I done wrong?
Your intuition is right. You have exactly the right idea for how to use foldl
. The only problem is that the type you're using for robots is more complicated than Haskell can easily handle. You can use a newtype
to make things settle down enough to do that. First, here's the relevant bits of your original code, with type signatures and a type synonym thrown in:
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
type Robot = forall a. ((String, Integer, Integer) -> a) -> a
robot :: (String, Integer, Integer) -> Robot
robot (name,attack,hp) = \message -> message (name,attack,hp)
damage :: Robot -> Integer -> Robot
damage aRobot attackDamage = aRobot (\(n,a,h) ->
robot (n,a,h-attackDamage))
gentleGiant :: Robot
gentleGiant = robot ("Mr. Friendly", 10, 300)
pummeledGiant :: Robot
pummeledGiant = foldl damage gentleGiant [100,50,100,500]
(Note: The type I used is actually different than the one that was inferred, so the errors from this will be a little bit different, but the root problem is the same.)
See how Robot
contains a type variable a
? That means it's a polymorphic type. Usually, when you actually go to use a polymorphic type, Haskell can figure out what the type variables will be and fill them in, but in the case of damage
, it can't (it's a rank-2 type). That means you're then putting damage
, which has a polymorphic type, into foldl
, which also has a polymorphic type. Putting one polymorphic type inside of another requires impredicative types, which Haskell doesn't yet support well.
Anyway, to fix it, you can use a newtype
wrapper, like this:
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
newtype Robot = MkRobot (forall a. ((String, Integer, Integer) -> a) -> a)
robot :: (String, Integer, Integer) -> Robot
robot (name,attack,hp) = MkRobot $ \message -> message (name,attack,hp)
damage :: Robot -> Integer -> Robot
damage (MkRobot aRobot) attackDamage = aRobot (\(n,a,h) ->
robot (n,a,h-attackDamage))
gentleGiant :: Robot
gentleGiant = robot ("Mr. Friendly", 10, 300)
pummeledGiant :: Robot
pummeledGiant = foldl damage gentleGiant [100,50,100,500]
Personally, though, I'm rather surprised that a beginner tutorial is using polymorphic continuation-passing style like this, both because it's more complicated than necessary and because it causes problems like this one. I would have designed things completely differently, like this:
data Robot = Robot {
name :: String,
attack :: Integer,
hp :: Integer
robot (n,a,h) = Robot n a h
killerRobot = robot ("Kill3r",25,200)
getName = name
getAttack = attack
getHP = hp
setName aRobot newName = aRobot{ name = newName }
setAttack aRobot newAttack = aRobot{ attack = newAttack }
setHP aRobot newHP = aRobot{ hp = newHP }
nicerRobot = setName killerRobot "kitty"
gentlerRobot = setAttack killerRobot 5
softerRobot = setHP killerRobot 50
printRobot (Robot n a h) = n ++
" attack:" ++ (show a) ++
" hp:"++ (show h)
damage (Robot n a h) attackDamage = Robot n a (h-attackDamage)
fight aRobot defender = damage defender attack
where attack = if (getHP aRobot) > 10
then getAttack aRobot
else 0
gentleGiant = robot ("Mr. Friendly", 10, 300)
gentleGiantRound1 = fight killerRobot gentleGiant
killerRobotRound1 = fight gentleGiant killerRobot
gentleGiantRound2 = fight killerRobotRound1 gentleGiantRound1
killerRobotRound2 = fight gentleGiantRound1 killerRobotRound1
gentleGiantRound3 = fight killerRobotRound2 gentleGiantRound2
killerRobotRound3 = fight gentleGiantRound2 killerRobotRound2
fastRobot = robot ("speedy", 15, 40)
slowRobot = robot ("slowpoke",20,30)
fastRobotRound3 = fight slowRobotRound3 fastRobotRound2
fastRobotRound2 = fight slowRobotRound2 fastRobotRound1
fastRobotRound1 = fight slowRobotRound1 fastRobot
slowRobotRound2 = fight fastRobotRound1 slowRobotRound1
slowRobotRound3 = fight fastRobotRound2 slowRobotRound2
slowRobotRound1 = fight fastRobot slowRobot
pummeledGiant = foldl damage gentleGiant [100,50,100,500]
That's much more idiomatic Haskell. Note that most of the code is still the same; it just uses a regular type made with data
to store the robots, instead of the weird CPS tuple.