I just installed Xdebug v3.0.0beta1 on my OSX and tried to use it on PhpStorm 2020.1, but I get this :
Xdebug: [Config] The setting 'xdebug.remote_enable' has been renamed, see the upgrading guide at https://xdebug.org/docs/upgrade_guide#changed-xdebug.remote_enable (See: https://xdebug.org/docs/errors#CFG-C-CHANGED) Xdebug: [Config] The setting 'xdebug.remote_host' has been renamed, see the upgrading guide at https://xdebug.org/docs/upgrade_guide#changed-xdebug.remote_host (See: https://xdebug.org/docs/errors#CFG-C-CHANGED) Xdebug: [Config] The setting 'xdebug.remote_mode' has been renamed, see the upgrading guide at https://xdebug.org/docs/upgrade_guide#changed-xdebug.remote_mode (See: https://xdebug.org/docs/errors#CFG-C-CHANGED) Xdebug: [Config] The setting 'xdebug.remote_port' has been renamed, see the upgrading guide at https://xdebug.org/docs/upgrade_guide#changed-xdebug.remote_port
And the links provided lead to nothing but an image with bugs.
My question is what are the right settings to set and where to actually change them since i have nothing about xdebug in my php.ini file.
Xdebug 3 will be supported from PhpStorm 2020.3 version only, which is currently in EAP stage (Early Access Program) and will be released in about 1 month time.
For the moment you will have to either stick to Xdebug 2.9 for your 2020.1 IDE version or try latest 2020.3 EAP build: https://www.jetbrains.com/phpstorm/nextversion/
Xdebug 3 is supported in the most recent EAP #6 build: https://blog.jetbrains.com/phpstorm/2020/11/phpstorm-2020-3-eap-6/
As for the Xdebug 3 upgrade in terms of making changes for Xdebug settings (php.ini) -- check this link: https://xdebug.org/docs/upgrade_guide
You CAN use your 2020.1 PhpStorm with Xdebug 3 if you wish -- just configure Xdebug 3 properly.
It works fine for me with Xdebug 3.0.0beta1, PHP 7.4 x64 on Windows 10 -- see this question: https://stackoverflow.com/a/64820427/783119
Those errors that you see indicate that you still have Xdebug 2 config values in your php.ini.