An address field in a Progress database evidently is multiple lines. So if I do something simple like:
for each customer where customer-number = "123" no-lock.
display customer-number
I get results of:
123 John Smith 123 Easy St.
c/o Jane Smith
Apartment C12
I want results of:
123 John Smith 123 Easy St. c/o Jane Smith Apartment C12
I've tried Entry - but get an error if an element does not exists. I am trying to export to CSV and want each line to be another column and if a column does not exists then it is blank.
Any help will be MUCH appreciated!
If the delimiter is a newline then something like this should work:
define variable n as integer no-undo.
define variable i as integer no-undo.
define variable address as character no-undo.
output to value( "customer.csv").
for each customer no-lock:
address = "".
n = num-entries( customer-address, "~n" ).
do i = 1 to n:
address = address + entry( i, customer-address, "~n" ) + " ".
export delimiter "," customer-number customer-name trim( address ).
output close.
or, if you just need to change the delimiter within the customer-address field:
output to value( "customer.csv").
for each customer no-lock:
export delimiter "," customer-number customer-name replace( customer-address, "~n", "," ).
output close.
(And, actually, my original code is really just replacing ~n with a space so you could do that too...)