I am kind of new to tkinter and I recently learned about the canvas widget. After getting the basics down I thought that I could use canvas to make a custom progress bar and it worked! It is really awesome, however, after removing the outline on the shapes I saw that the edges of the shapes were pretty rough especially the ovals. I did a bit of search and just found out that you could use the smooth keyword argument only with polygons. So my question is that is there a way to smooth the edges of shapes especially ovals in tkinter, kind of like anti-aliasing? My code:
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
percent = 0
progress_done, new_oval = None, None
canvas = Canvas(root, width=400, height=400, bg="white")
prg_bar = canvas.create_rectangle(50, 140, 350, 160, fill="grey", outline="")
oval_one = canvas.create_oval(40, 140, 60, 160, fill="grey", outline="", )
oval_two = canvas.create_oval(340, 140, 360, 160, fill="grey", outline="")
def add_up():
global percent, progress_done, new_oval
if percent < 100:
percent += 20
if progress_done is None and new_oval is None:
canvas.create_oval(40, 140, 60, 160, fill="light blue", outline='')
progress_done = canvas.create_rectangle(50, 140, (percent * 3) + 50, 160, fill="light blue", outline="")
new_oval = canvas.create_oval((percent * 3) + 40, 140, (percent * 3) + 60, 160, fill="light blue",
progress_done = canvas.create_rectangle(50, 140, (percent * 3) + 50, 160, fill="light blue", outline="")
new_oval = canvas.create_oval((percent * 3) + 40, 140, (percent * 3) + 60, 160, fill="light blue",
if percent == 100:
btn = Button(root, text="Add to prg", command=add_up)
Draw your oval with create_polygon
. Below is an example of drawing an oval and a round rect. Both examples set the splinesteps
option to enhance the smoothness of the generated curves. The splinesteps
option defaults to 12.
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
c = tk.Canvas(root)
c.pack(fill='both', expand=True, anchor='nw')
def poly_oval(x, y, width, height, resolution=32):
points = [x, y,
x+width, y,
x+width, y+height,
x, y+height,
x, y]
return c.create_polygon(points, fill='#f00', smooth=True, splinesteps=resolution)
def poly_roundrect(x, y, width, height, radius, resolution=32):
#this is not a true round rect
#it's a round rect with the potential to have invisible garbage that cheats
#it cheats convincingly if you don't use an outline when it is cheating
radius = min(min(width, height), radius*2)
points = [x, y,
x+radius, y,
x+(width-radius), y,
x+width, y,
x+width, y+radius,
x+width, y+(height-radius),
x+width, y+height,
x+(width-radius), y+height,
x+radius, y+height,
x, y+height,
x, y+(height-radius),
x, y+radius,
x, y]
rect = c.create_polygon(points, fill='#1f1', smooth=True, splinesteps=resolution)
#display vertices
#for i in range(0, len(points), 2):
# poly_oval(points[i]-2, points[i+1]-2, 4, 4)
return rect
rect = poly_roundrect(10, 10, 300, 50, 10, 64)