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How to know if a db-link is used somewhere in a DB

I would like to know if it exists an Oracle command to know if a DB-LINK (name: myBDLink) is used somewhere in a DB and how to display the objects (views,materialized views, procedures, functions, ...) which use it.

Could you please help me with that ?

Thanks for your help


  • Well, you could try to query various system views and see whether any of them contains a string you're looking for. As you want to check the whole database, you'll probably connect as a privileged user and check dba_ views; otherwise, all_ or user_ would do.

    For example, to check procedures, functions, packages, ...:

    select owner, name, type, line
    from dba_source
    where owner not in ('SYS', 'SYSTEM')
      and lower(text) like '%mydblink%';

    The PUBLIC.ALL_SOURCE or DBA_SOURCE covers typically all the object types and their contents, namely PACKAGE BODY, TRIGGER, PACKAGE, PROCEDURE, FUNCTION and TYPE. But unfortunately, it doesn't cover SYNONYMS, and that exactly where DB_LINKS are used extensively.

    Hence to check synonyms,

    select * from all_synonyms where db_link = 'MYDBLINKNAME';

    To check views, you'll need a function which will search through its LONG datatype column (as you can't use it directly in SQL):

    create or replace function f_long(par_view in varchar2, par_String in varchar2) 
      return varchar2 
      l_text varchar2(32000);
      select text 
        into l_text
        from dba_views 
        where owner not in ('SYS', 'SYSTEM')
          and view_name = par_view;
      return case when instr(lower(l_text), lower(par_string)) > 0 then 1
                  else 0 

    and then

    select owner, view_name 
    from dba_views
    where f_long(view_name, 'mydblink') = 1;

    I excluded SYS and SYSTEM as they should not contain anything of users' stuff. Perhaps you'd want to exclude some more users.

    To see some more (re)sources, query the dictionary, e.g.

    select table_name, comments
    from dictionary;
    TABLE_NAME                     COMMENTS
    ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------
    USER_CONS_COLUMNS              Information about accessible columns in constraint
    ALL_CONS_COLUMNS               Information about accessible columns in constraint
    DBA_CONS_COLUMNS               Information about accessible columns in constraint