I'd like to use an "Array" in JSTL that looks like this
<c:set var="hideMe" value="${['A','B','C','D']}" scope="application" />
I also have a global VAR called ${checkPageName}
which has the name of the current page I am on in it, so I can check against it, as part of the logic (e.g. <c:if test="${checkPageName != hideMe}"> ... </c:if>
The logic behind this is that if A, B, C or D
exist then I will prevent a specific piece of information from being displayed to the user.
Does anyone know how I loop through a JSTL array?
The logic should then decide that if A, B, C or D
DO NOT exist, then we display specific information to the user.
I have tried;
<c:forEach items="${hideMe}">
<c:set var="hide" value="true" />
<c:if test="${hide != 'true'}">
<div class="showMe">
<h1>Hello Sweetie</h1>
Could someone please point me in the right direction?
UPDATE: I have now fixed this myself using <c:forTokens>
, see the solution below
So I figured it out in the end;
<c:set var="hideMe" value="false" />
<c:forTokens items="A,B,C,D" delims="," var="excludeDisplay">
<c:if test="${checkPageName == excludeDisplay}">
<c:set var="hideMe" value="true" />
<c:if test="${hideMe == 'false}">
checkPageName is a global variable I am checking against in my code to validate well, page names...
So I set a default VAR called hideMe with a value of false, I then use forTokens to create a VAR called excludeDisplay for values A, B, C or D.
I then check these values against my global variable and if they match overwrite the var hideMe with a value of true, this is then used to trigger the content I want to show. If the VAR is false show the content, if it is true, do nothing.
I hope this helps someone else, and I am happy to elaborate on some of the murkier points if anyone wants any more information...