My problem is as follows -
I am creating an array as follows(refer pic ---> -
I want to count occurrence of words in this array and create an arraylist or a dictionary whichever is suitable.
My code -
public List<Dictionary<string, int>> GetWordCount(string[] myArray)
var countedObj = new List<Dictionary<string, int>>();
var counts = myArray.GroupBy(w => w).Select(g => new { Word = g.Key, Count = g.Count() }).ToList();
for(int index=0; index<counts.Count; index++)
var item = counts.ElementAt(index);
var itemkey = item.Word;
var itemvalue = item.Count;
countedObj.Add(new Dictionary<string, int>()
return countedObj;
catch(Exception exp)
throw exp.InnerException;
What I need is to create a dictionary list such as
life, 3 inherent, 2 useful, 1, educated, 5, lgitimate, 2 and so on......
basically key value pair type. I'm sure you get what I basically intend to achieve. Something that I can iterate and process later on as per my need. How can I do that? What type of iteration is required? some relevant code suggestions here.
You can group by the words, select the count of each group (which you're already doing), and then turn that into a dictionary with the word as the key and the count as the value:
Dictionary<string, int> wordCounts = myArray
.GroupBy(word => word)
.ToDictionary(group => group.Key, group => group.Count());
So the method could be re-written as:
public static Dictionary<string, int> GetWordCount(string[] myArray)
return myArray?
.GroupBy(word => word)
.ToDictionary(group => group.Key, group => group.Count());
And then sample usage might be:
var words = new[] {"one", "two", "two", "three", "three", "three"};
foreach (var item in GetWordCount(words))
Console.WriteLine($"{item.Key} = {item.Value}");
one = 1
two = 2
three = 3