Some context:
I have a string of digits (not ordered, but with known range 1 - 78) and I want to extract the digits to create specific variables with it, so I have
"64,2,3" => var_64 = 1; var_02 = 2; var_03 = 1; (the rest, like var_01 are all set to missing)
I basically came up with two solutions, one is using a macro DO loop
and the other one a data step DO loop
. The non-macro solution was to fist initialize all variables var_01 - var_78
(via a macro), then to put them into an array and then to gradually set the values of this array while looping through the string, word-by-word.
I then realized that it would be way easier to use the loop iterator as a macro variable and I came up with this MWE:
%macro fast(w,l);
do p = 1 to &l.;
%do j = 1 %to 9;
if &j. = scan(&w.,p,",") then var_0&j. = 1 ;
%do j = 10 %to 78;
if &j. = scan(&w.,p,",") then var_&j. = 1 ;
data want;
string = "2,4,64,54,1,4,7";
l = countw(string,",");
It works (no errors, no warnings, expected result) but I am unsure about mixing macro-DO-loops
and non-macro-DO-loops
. Could this lead to any inconsistencies or should I just stay with the non-macro solution?
Your current code is comparing numbers like 1 to strings like "1".
&j. = scan(&w.,p,",")
It will work as long as the strings can be converted into numbers, but it is not a good practice. It would be better to explicitly convert the strings into numbers.
You can do what you want with an array. Use the number generated from the next item in the list as the index into the array.
data want;
string = "2,4,64,54,1,4,7";
array var_ var_01-var_78 ;
do index=1 to countw(string,",");
drop index;