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Cannot use positional arguments after argument unpacking while preparing a statement

I am trying to bind a variable number of values into the IN () condition of my prepared statement AND bind a few more values later in the query, but I am getting an error:

PHP Fatal error: Cannot use positional argument after argument unpacking.

My code is as follows :

$ccarr=explode(",", $cc);
$in = str_repeat('?,', count($ccarr) - 1) . '?';

$sqldesk="SELECT subsubcatid_parent, plink, deskid, sum(itprice) as totprice FROM desktop_items a, items_table b, obsubsubcat c where subsubcatid_parent IN ($in) and a.itno = b.itno and a.subsubcatid_parent=c.subsubcatid group by subsubcatid_parent, deskid having totprice > ? && totprice ? ?" ;

if($stmtdesk = $conn->prepare($sqldesk))
    $types = str_repeat('i', count($ccarr));
    $types .= 'isi';
    $stmtdesk->bind_param($types, ...$ccarr, $budg_et1, $op_r, $budg_et);
    $stmtdesk->bind_result($subsubcatid_parentdesk, $plinkdesk, $deskiddesk, $totpricedesk);

How can I bind all of the values without the unpacking error?


  • I recommend that you push the additional values into your $ccarr array, so that you only need to splat $ccarr inside of bind_param().

    It looks like $op_r is an "operator" and not a value. So that should not be bound. Listen to Victor. The operator value should be validated against a whitelist of hardcoded values and injected directly into your query string.

    $ccarr = explode(",", $cc);
    $in = str_repeat('?,', count($ccarr) - 1) . '?';
    $op_r = $tfvarr[2]; 
    $budg_et = $tfvarr[1];
    $budg_et1 = $tfvarr111111;
    array_push($ccarr, $budg_et1, $budg_et);
    $types = str_repeat('i', count($ccarr));
    $sqldesk = "SELECT subsubcatid_parent, plink, deskid, SUM(itprice) AS totprice
                FROM desktop_items a
                JOIN items_table   b ON a.itno = b.itno
                JOIN obsubsubcat   c ON a.subsubcatid_parent = c.subsubcatid
                WHERE subsubcatid_parent IN ($in)
                GROUP BY subsubcatid_parent, deskid
                HAVING totprice > ? AND totprice {$op_r} ?";
    $stmtdesk = $conn->prepare($sqldesk);
    $stmtdesk->bind_param($types, ...$ccarr);
    $stmtdesk->bind_result($subsubcatid_parentdesk, $plinkdesk, $deskiddesk, $totpricedesk);

    Additionally, I do not advice the use of the old-skool comma-JOINs. It is clearer and more modern to explicitly state the JOIN and this sets up using ON expressions to describe the joining relationship.

    Finally, the && in MySQL should be AND. Always use all-caps to write MySQL keywords in your sql string.