I get this JSON response from my web service:
"type": "022",
"sendDate": "2020-11-09 12:43:07",
"message": "test1",
"id": 8035,
"notificationType": "023",
"sendDate": "2020-11-09 11:40:02",
"message": "test2 ",
"id": 8034,
Now by Beanshell in JMeter i want to pass first id
into new request so in JSR223 PostProcessor i write a simple print like this:
import com.eclipsesource.json.*;
String jsonString = prev.getResponseDataAsString();
print("value "+ jsonString);
but when i run my rest test i got this :
Where is my print value?I expect to see my result on JMeter log viewer
will print to console, if you want to print to JMeter's log use log variable
log.info("value=" + jsonString);
log - (Logger) - can be used to write to the log file
(Log viewer display jmeter.log)