I have a standard .Net core Api and want to use a Open Generic IReposistory and decorate that with a DomainEventPublisher for pushing out events to servicsBus after persisting. However, I have used Simple Injector a lot earlier which I'm a big fan of. But now when using MediatR Im trying to simplify DI by using just .net Core DI together with Scrutor package for decorating.
Problem is an error I get: "The number of generic arguments provided doesn't equal the arity of the generic type definition." from Scrutor when trying to register decorator in Startup (2nd line below).
services.AddSingleton(typeof(IRepository<>), typeof(Repository<>));
services.Decorate(typeof(IRepository<>), typeof(DomainEventPublisher<>));
I have closed these generic classes/interfaces and then it works. But Im not good with that. I would to i the right way like I used to do in Simpleinjector, and register open generic decorator.
Any suggestions what might be the problem?
public class Repository<TEntity> : IRepository<TEntity>
private readonly CosmosClient _client;
private readonly IDataContext<TEntity> _context;
private readonly Container _container;
public Repository(CosmosClient client, IDataContext<TEntity> context)
_client = client;
_context = context ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));
_container = _client.GetContainer(_context.GetDatabase(), _context.GetContainer());
public virtual async Task Add(TEntity entity)
var response = await _container.CreateItemAsync(entity, new PartitionKey(_context.GetPartitionKey(entity)));
catch (Exception e)
public virtual async Task<TEntity> Get(string id)
var response = await _container.ReadItemAsync<TEntity>(id, new PartitionKey(_context.GetPartitionKey(id)));
return response.Resource;
public virtual async Task<TEntity> Update(TEntity entity)
var response = await _container.UpsertItemAsync(entity, new PartitionKey(_context.GetPartitionKey(entity)));
return response.Resource;
public async Task Remove(string id)
var response = await _container.DeleteItemAsync<TEntity>(id, new PartitionKey(_context.GetPartitionKey(id)));
public class DomainEventPublisher<TEntity> : IRepository<TEntity>
private readonly IRepository<TEntity> _decoratedRepository;
private readonly ITopicAdapter _bus;
private readonly IMapper _mapper;
private List<IDomainEvent> _eventsToProcess = new List<IDomainEvent>();
public DomainEventPublisher(IRepository<TEntity> decoratedRepository, ITopicAdapter bus, IMapper mapper)
_decoratedRepository = decoratedRepository ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(decoratedRepository));
_bus = bus ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(bus));
_mapper = mapper ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(mapper));
public async Task Add(TEntity entity)
// Get all domain events raised by source entity
var events = CollectEvents(entity);
await _decoratedRepository.Add(entity);
await HandleEvents(events);
public async Task<TEntity> Get(string id)
return await _decoratedRepository.Get(id);
public async Task<TEntity> Update(TEntity entity)
// Get all domain events raised by source entity
var events = CollectEvents(entity);
var result = await _decoratedRepository.Update(entity);
await HandleEvents(events);
return result;
public async Task Remove(string id)
await _decoratedRepository.Remove(id);
private List<IDomainEvent> CollectEvents(TEntity entity)
if (entity is IEntity entityWithEvents)
return entityWithEvents.Events;
return new List<IDomainEvent>();
private async Task HandleEvents(List<IDomainEvent> events)
// if we ended up on this line we know that repository persisted changes and now send events to bus
foreach (var domainEvent in events)
await _bus.Send(_mapper.MapTo(domainEvent));
It's impossible to apply decorators to open-generic registration with Scrutor. This is discussed here on the Scrutor forum. This is due to a limitation of the underlying Microsoft DI Container. This is a limitation that can't be circumvented by Scrutor.
Instead, switch to one of the mature DI Containers that do support this.