I'm trying to use the QYSRUSRI api to retrieve the number of supplemental groups in an Iseries user profile.
There is an offset pointer to the beginning of the array holding this data. The spec for format USRI0300 mentions this as starting in position 585 of the receiver variable but in my implementation that subfield (suppGrpIdx) contains zero even though the subfield for the number of supplemental groups (suppGrp) contains 6, which is correct for the profile I am analysing.
See below for my DS specifications for the received data.
Any ideas what I'm missing?
D USRI0300 DS based(p_usrData) qualified
D name 10a overlay(USRI0300:9)
D prevSign 6a overlay(USRI0300:20)
D signTries 10i 0 overlay(USRI0300:33)
D status 10a overlay(USRI0300:37)
D changed 8a overlay(USRI0300:47)
D expires 8a overlay(USRI0300:61)
D special 15a overlay(USRI0300:84)
D groupprf 10a overlay(USRI0300:99)
D owner 10a overlay(USRI0300:109)
D authority 10a overlay(USRI0300:119)
D initmenu 20a overlay(USRI0300:149)
D initpgm 20a overlay(USRI0300:169)
D jobd 20a overlay(USRI0300:290)
D text 50a overlay(USRI0300:199)
D suppGrpIdx 10i 0 overlay(USRI0300:585)
D suppGrp 10i 0 overlay(USRI0300:589)
Here is my Prototype:-
D RcvVar 32767a options(*varsize)
D RcvVarLen 10i 0 const
D Format 8a const
D UsrPrf 10a const
D ErrCode 32767a options(*varsize)
I tried your code, and I put %SIZE(USRI00300) as the second parameter, and I got zero for suppGrpIdx too.
As Charles and Mark Sanderson implied, you have to make the receiver big enough to give all the information and also tell the API how big the receiver is. I'm guessing that since you defined your data structure as based, that you are setting p_usrData to some larger storage. If so, give the length of the larger storage instead of the size of USRI0300.
When I set p_usrData to point to a 32767-length buffer, and put %size(buffer) as the second parameter, I got 722 for suppGrpIdx.