In my data set, a column holds integer numbers that encode whether there was "no" (0), "slight" (1), or "severe" (2) bleeding after a medical procedure.
How can I turn those integer values into descriptive names? I tried to to it with factor(levels = bleed, labels = c("none", "slight", "severe"))
, but that does not agree with my Tidyverse-style, %>%
-piped data wrangling.
How do I turn those numbers into descriptive labels?
In a tidyverse-like pipeline, you can use the recode
function inside a mutate
df %>%
mutate(your_int_var = recode(your_int_var, `0` = 'no', `1` = 'slight', `2` = 'severe'))
or even better using unquote splicing !!!
values <- c(`0` = 'no', `1` = 'slight', `2` = 'severe')
df %>%
mutate(your_int_var = recode(your_int_var, !!!values))