I have tried to pass JSON in Post Request using BLoC Pattern.
jsonEncode(<String, String>{
'MobileNo': _emailController.value,
'Password': _passwordController.value,
'IPAddress': '',
'Latitude' : '23.04503',
'Longitude': '72.55919',
"wauid" : 'd4KY17YySLC8-ROzs1RoJN:APA91bHMVz-4tw7cRIrEmBU2wHr_YW1RgV5HQfcfQp1YQwkamDPUimiPrfisezPuOgghJgHepXixsRh1Rl_eu75E9qss4RzxM6bGIgQdSo-S9TvynJsfdztz67LiaWbC9fs4xlCZnFQc'
I have found all the solutions to pass JSON using jsonEncode but I didn't found any solution to pass Nested JSON in Post Request of Flutter.
Here is the JSON which I am passing:
"userMaster": {
"MobileNo": "8800112233",
"Password": "564452",
"Latitude": 23.04503,
"Longitude": 72.55919,
"IPAddress": "5f7f51e7-09f5-4cf2-87f3-ca5760f1ed57",
"wauid": "12312"
"loginInfo" : {
Can anyone please tell me How to send nested JSON to post the request of Flutter?
Please try below
Map<String, dynamic> payload = {
"userMaster": {
"MobileNo": "8800112233",
"Password": "564452",
"Latitude": 23.04503,
"Longitude": 72.55919,
"IPAddress": "5f7f51e7-09f5-4cf2-87f3-ca5760f1ed57",
"wauid": "12312"
"loginInfo" : {
Response response = await http.post(<URL>,body: json.encode(payload));