I am trying to merge an Excel table which I made with data gathered from YFinance
. I have tried merging them already but apparently you cannot merge on an index, here is what I tried:
import yfinance
import pandas as pd
Dates.columns = ['Start','End']
Stock = yfinance.Ticker('MSFT')
StockData = Stock.history(period='max')
Dates.merge(StockData, left_on='Start', right_on='Date')
It throws me this error:
ValueError: You are trying to merge on object and datetime64[ns] columns. If you wish to proceed you should use pd.concat
I tried pd.concat
and it is not what I need, I need to link up the dates in my CSV with the dates on the yfinance
. yFinance
automatically makes the index of their history
dataframe a 'Date' index, I need to make this index into a column, or at least a string, which I do not know how to do.
You have a couple options here:
Dates.merge(StockData, left_on='Start', right_index=True)
pandas documentationYou will need them to be the same data type. For that it is likely better to convert the dates in Dates
to datetime using Dates['Start'] = pd.to_datetime(Dates['Start'])