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react: Convert from Class to functional component with state

How would one convert the class component to a functional one?

 import React, { Component } from 'react'

class Test extends Component {

 state = {
   value: "test text", 
   isInEditMode: false

changeEditMode = () => {
        isInEditMode: this.state.isInEditMode

updateComponentValue = () => {
        isInEditMode: false,
        value: this.refs.theThexInput.value

renderEditView = () => {
    return (
            <input type="text" defaultValue={this.state.value} ref="theThexInput" /> 
            <button onClick={this.changeEditMode}>X</button>
            <button onClick={this.updateComponentValue}>OK</button>

renderDefaultView = () => {
    return (
        <div onDoubleClick={this.changeEditMode}

render() {
    return this.state.isInEditMode ? 
        this.renderEditView() :

export default Test;

I assume one needs to use hooks and destructioning, but not sure how to implement it. Is there a good guidline or best practice to follow?


  • I gave a brief explanation of what is going on:

    const Test = () => {
      // Use state to store value of text input.
      const [value, setValue] = React.useState("test text" /* initial value */);
      // Use state to store whether component is in edit mode or not.
      const [editMode, setEditMode] = React.useState(false /* initial value */);
      // Create function to handle toggling edit mode.
      // useCallback will only generate a new function when setEditMode changes
      const toggleEditMode = React.useCallback(() => {
        // toggle value using setEditMode (provided by useState)
        setEditMode(currentValue => !currentValue);
      }, [
      ] /* <- dependency array - determines when function recreated */);
      // Create function to handle change of textbox value.
      // useCallback will only generate a new function when setValue changes
      const updateValue = React.useCallback(
        e => {
          // set new value using setValue (provided by useState)
        [setValue] /* <- dependency array - determines when function recreated */
      // NOTE: All hooks must run all the time a hook cannot come after an early return condition.
      // i.e. In this component all hooks must be before the editMode if condition.
      // This is because hooks rely on the order of execution to work and if you are removing
      // and adding hooks in subsequent renders (which react can't track fully) then you will
      // get warnings / errors.
      // Do edit mode render
      if (editMode) {
        return (
          // I changed the component to controlled can be left as uncontrolled if prefered.
      // Do non-edit mode render.
      return <div onDoubleClick={toggleEditMode}>{value}</div>;

    and here is a runnable example