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How to get a profit of Nth open position MQL4 / MT4?

I want to create a function that can get random profit open position.
For example :

  • a profit of the Last 2 Open Position of overall Total Position

  • a profit of the First 3 Open Position of overall Total Position

Below function seems it only gets the First Open Position Profit :

double BuyProfit()
   Price = 0;
   datetime EarliestOrder = TimeCurrent();

   for(int i = 0; i < OrdersTotal(); i++)
      if(OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS))
         if(OrderType() == OP_BUY && OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber)
            if(EarliestOrder > OrderOpenTime())
               EarliestOrder = OrderOpenTime();
               Price = OrderProfit()+OrderSwap()+OrderCommission();
   return Price;


  • Q : "How to get a profit of Nth open position MQL4/MT4?
    I want to create a function that can get random profit open position."

    You may take this rapid-prototype to complete your actual logic code:

    double nthNetPROFIT( const int Nth ) {
           if ( Nth > OrdersTotal() ) return( EMPTY );
           int    softCount    = 0;
           double nthNetProfit = EMPTY;,
           for( int ii = 0; ii < OrdersTotal(); ii++ ) {
                if (        OrderSelect( ii, SELECT_BY_POS ) ) {
                      if (  OrderType()        == OP_BUY          // DEPENDS ON ACTUAL LOGIC
                         && OrderSymbol()      == Symbol()        // DEPENDS ON ACTUAL LOGIC
                         && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber     // DEPENDS ON ACTUAL LOGIC
                            ) {
                            ...                                   // DEPENDS ON ACTUAL LOGIC
                            if ( ++softCount == Nth ){
                            nthNetProfit = OrderProfit()
                                         + OrderSwap()
                                         + OrderCommission();
           return( NormalizeDouble( nthNetProfit, 2 ) );