I'm trying to use SwiftPM
to analyse a local Package.swift
file. I could not find any documentation on how to do so. Ideally I'd call something like
import PackageDescription
let package = try Package(at: "pathToFile/Package.swift")
print(package.dependencies) ...
I tried using
let package = try PackageBuilder.loadPackage(
packagePath: .init(absolutePath),
swiftCompiler: .init("/usr/bin/swift"),
swiftCompilerFlags: [],
diagnostics: .init())
but this fails with error: no such module \'PackageDescription\'\nimport PackageDescription\n ^", diagnosticFile: nil)
as my Package.swift
file starts with import PackageDescription
as expected.
Maybe there's something going on here.
You should provide a full path to the compiler with swiftCompiler
param to avoid your issue e.g.:
import PackageModel
import PackageLoading
import PackageGraph
import Workspace
let swiftCompiler: AbsolutePath = {
let string: String
#if os(macOS)
string = try! Process.checkNonZeroExit(args: "xcrun", "--sdk", "macosx", "-f", "swiftc").spm_chomp()
string = try! Process.checkNonZeroExit(args: "which", "swiftc").spm_chomp()
return AbsolutePath(string)
let package = AbsolutePath(".../swift-package-manager")
let diagnostics = DiagnosticsEngine()
do {
let manifest = try ManifestLoader.loadManifest(packagePath: package, swiftCompiler: swiftCompiler, packageKind: .local)
let loadedPackage = try PackageBuilder.loadPackage(packagePath: package, swiftCompiler: swiftCompiler, diagnostics: diagnostics)
let graph = try Workspace.loadGraph(packagePath: package, swiftCompiler: swiftCompiler, diagnostics: diagnostics)
// Manifest
let products = manifest.products.map({ $0.name }).joined(separator: ", ")
print("Products:", products)
let targets = manifest.targets.map({ $0.name }).joined(separator: ", ")
print("Targets:", targets)
// Package
let executables = loadedPackage.targets.filter({ $0.type == .executable }).map({ $0.name })
print("Executable targets:", executables)
// PackageGraph
let numberOfFiles = graph.reachableTargets.reduce(0, { $0 + $1.sources.paths.count })
print("Total number of source files (including dependencies):", numberOfFiles)
catch {
Products: SwiftPM, SwiftPM-auto, PackageDescription
Targets: PackageDescription, LLBuildManifest, SourceControl, SPMLLBuild, PackageModel, PackageLoading, PackageGraph, Build, Xcodeproj, Workspace, Commands, swift-package, swift-build, swift-test, swift-run, swiftpm-xctest-helper, SPMTestSupport, BuildTests, CommandsTests, WorkspaceTests, FunctionalTests, FunctionalPerformanceTests, PackageDescription4Tests, PackageLoadingTests, PackageLoadingPerformanceTests, PackageModelTests, PackageGraphTests, PackageGraphPerformanceTests, SourceControlTests, XcodeprojTests
Executable targets: ["swift-run", "swift-build", "swift-package", "swiftpm-xctest-helper", "swift-test"]
Total number of source files (including dependencies): 344