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Is there a way to make a DetailsList header text wrap in Fluent UI?

I have a situation in which I want to display data in a FluentUI DetailsList, where column names can be very long, while the column content can be very narrow. In such a case, the header will be truncated. See this codepen.

Is there any way to change this behavior, such that the header text wraps over multiple lines?

While I found this unanswered question from 2 years ago, I couldn't find an answer on the topic on neither Stackoverflow, Github or the offical documentation. Here are some approaches I tried:

  • inject a CSS class with word-break: break-all; via the headerClassName field of IColumn
  • setting isMultiLine on the columns
  • The DetailsHeader component itself whose rendering I can override with onRenderDetailsHeader does not seem to offer any props for customizing how the text is displayed

Is there even a way to achieve the desired behaviour (wrapping over multiple lines instead of truncating long column headers)?


  • Most of FluentUI Components uses text-overflow: ellipsis. What you can do is to modify that "rule". Inside DetailsList you have onRenderDetailsHeader method which allows you to change header styles.

    const onRenderDetailsHeader = (headerProps, defaultRender) => {
        if (!headerProps || !defaultRender) {
            //technically these may be undefined...
            return null;
        return defaultRender({
            styles: {
                root: {
                    selectors: {
                        '.ms-DetailsHeader-cell': {
                            whiteSpace: 'normal',
                            textOverflow: 'clip',
                            lineHeight: 'normal',
                        '.ms-DetailsHeader-cellTitle': {
                            height: '100%',
                            alignItems: 'center',

    Codepen working solution


    Play around with minWidth, maxWidth props inside this._columns to get expected behavior.