Search code examples

How to get all the people in table 1 without getting the people who have me as parent_id in table 2?

I'm writing this post because I have a problem with my relationships on Laravel.

Here is the structure I currently have:

1st table: - id - name - ...

2nd table : - parent_id - child_id

knowing that parent_id and child_id correspond to the same table. Here is the function that links them

public function relation()
    return $this->belongsToMany('App\Person', 'person_relations', 'parent_id', 'child_id', 'id', 'id');

Currently I would like, for a search system, to get all the people in table 1 without getting the people who have me as parent_id in table 2.


  • I have added an inverse relation parents() to the People model instead of the relation() method in the question.

    Person Model :

    public function parents()
        return $this->belongsToMany('App\Models\Person', 'person_relations', 'child_id', 'parent_id', 'id', 'id');

    Controller :

    public function test()
        $myId = 1;
        $persons = \App\Models\Person::whereDoesntHave('parents')
            ->orWhereHas('parents', function($qry) use($myId){
                $qry->where('person_relations.parent_id', '!=', $myId);

    This method will return all records which doesn't have a given $myId as their parent id.

    Tested and working in Laravel 6.2 and 7.29