This is the problem I'm having:
# The following line works
Add-Content -LiteralPath "$Env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\[Test].txt" -Value "This is a test"
# The following line does not work and does not output an error message
Add-Content -LiteralPath "\\Server\Share\[Test].txt" -Value "This is a test"
I have already checked my permissions and I definitely have permission to write to the network share. The problem only happens when I use the "LiteralPath" parameter, which, unfortunately, is required for what I'm doing.
How can I write data to a UNC path that contains square brackets?
you will find on Microsoft web site an explanation about strange behaviours of 'sqare brackets' in PowerShell expressions.
When I just write the following (without brackets) it just does't work for me :
Set-Content -LiteralPath "\\server\share\temp\test.txt" -Value "coucou"
but (according to Microsoft article) the following works
Set-Content -Path "\\server\share\temp\test.txt" -Value "coucou"
set-content -path '\\server\share\temp\`[test`].txt' -Value "coucou"
I tried to solve this trouble with PowerShell Drive
New-PSDrive -Name u -PSProvider filesystem -Root "\\server\share"
And it was even worst
Set-Content : Impossible de trouver une partie du chemin d'accès '\\server\share\server\share\server\share\temp\test.txt'.
Au niveau de ligne : 1 Caractère : 12
+ set-content <<<< -literalpath "u:\temp\test.txt" -Value "coucou"
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (\\server\shar...e\temp\test.txt:String) [Set-Content], DirectoryNotFo
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : GetContentWriterDirectoryNotFoundError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SetContentCommand
Turn arround solution 1 : I solve it using :
net use u: \\server\share
set-content -literalpath "u:\temp\test.txt" -Value "coucou"
And then the followwing works
set-content -literalpath "u:\temp\[test].txt" -Value "coucou"
Turn arround solution 2 : using FileInfo
# Create the file
set-content -path '\\server\share\temp\`[test`].txt' -Value "coucou"
# Get a FileInfo
$fic = Get-Item '\\server\share\temp\`[test`].txt'
# Get a stream Writer
$sw = $fic.AppendText()
# Append what I need
# Don't forget to close the stream writter
I think that the explanation is that in -literalpath
UNC are poorly supported