I am trying to convert my data from wide to long, but for some reason, the ID column does not show up after the conversion. This is what my data looks like:
> head(dca)
# A tibble: 6 x 11
ResponseId Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12 Q13 Q14 Q15 Q16 Q17 Q18
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 "Response … "Regardi… "Regardi… "Regardi… "Regardi… "Regardi… "Regardi… "Regard… "Regard… "Regard… "Regard…
2 "{\"Import… "{\"Impo… "{\"Impo… "{\"Impo… "{\"Impo… "{\"Impo… "{\"Impo… "{\"Imp… "{\"Imp… "{\"Imp… "{\"Imp…
3 "R_2V7lrA7… "Using F… "Using T… "Using Y… "Using T… "Using T… "Using I… "Using … "Using … "Using … "Using …
4 "R_3nozPOT… "Using F… "Using T… "Using T… "Using T… "Using T… "Using I… "Using … "Using … "Using … "Using …
5 "R_2TB0Wwy… "Using Y… "Using T… "Using T… "Using T… "Using T… "Using F… "Using … "Using … "Using … "Using …
6 "R_2woFtS9… "Using Y… "Using T… "Using Y… "Using T… "Using I… "Using I… "Using … "Using … "Using … "Using …
After applying this following transformation:
keycol <- "ResponseId"
valuecol <- "Response"
gathercols <- c("Q9","Q10","Q11","Q12","Q13","Q14","Q15","Q16","Q17","Q18" )
dca_long<- gather_(dca,dca$ResponseId, keycol, valuecol, gathercols)
This is what I get:
> head(dca_long)
# A tibble: 6 x 2
ResponseId 'Response`
<chr> <chr>
1 Q9 "Regarding the use of social media, which of the following options would you prefer?"
2 Q9 "{\"ImportId\":\"QID12\"}"
3 Q9 "Using Facebook on PC for utility"
4 Q9 "Using Facebook on PC for utility"
5 Q9 "Using Youtube on mobile for entertainment"
6 Q9 "Using Youtube on mobile for entertainment"
Essentially, I want there to be a column in dca_long
to have a column where the values of ResponseId
from dca are matched. I am doing this so I can further make dca suitable for mlogit()
Someone in the comment requested for this output to understand the code better:
> dput(head(dca))
structure(list(ResponseId = c("Response ID", "{\"ImportId\":\"_recordId\"}",
"R_2V7lrA7n29xU0i6", "R_3nozPOTbJBE1OBa", "R_2TB0WwyWCugTyEg",
"R_2woFtS93jHyiv8F"), Q9 = c("Regarding the use of social media, which of the following options would you prefer?",
"{\"ImportId\":\"QID12\"}", "Using Facebook on PC for utility",
"Using Facebook on PC for utility", "Using Youtube on mobile for entertainment",
"Using Youtube on mobile for entertainment"), Q10 = c("Regarding the use of social media, which of the following options would you prefer?",
"{\"ImportId\":\"QID13\"}", "Using TikTok on PC for utility",
"Using Twitter on mobile for entertainment", "Using Twitter on mobile for entertainment",
"Using Twitter on mobile for entertainment"), Q11 = c("Regarding the use of social media, which of the following options would you prefer?",
"{\"ImportId\":\"QID14\"}", "Using Youtube on PC for utility",
"Using Twitter on mobile for entertainment", "Using Twitter on mobile for entertainment",
"Using Youtube on PC for utility"), Q12 = c("Regarding the use of social media, which of the following options would you prefer?",
"{\"ImportId\":\"QID15\"}", "Using Twitter on mobile for utility",
"Using Twitter on mobile for utility", "Using Twitter on mobile for utility",
"Using Twitter on mobile for utility"), Q13 = c("Regarding the use of social media, which of the following options would you prefer?",
"{\"ImportId\":\"QID16\"}", "Using TikTok on Mobile for utility",
"Using TikTok on Mobile for utility", "Using TikTok on Mobile for utility",
"Using Instagram on PC for entertainment"), Q14 = c("Regarding the use of social media, which of the following options would you prefer?",
"{\"ImportId\":\"QID17\"}", "Using Instagram on PC for utility",
"Using Instagram on PC for utility", "Using Facebook on Mobile for entertainment",
"Using Instagram on PC for utility"), Q15 = c("Regarding the use of social media, which of the following options would you prefer?",
"{\"ImportId\":\"QID18\"}", "Using Twitter on mobile for entertainment",
"Using Twitter on mobile for entertainment", "Using Twitter on mobile for entertainment",
"Using Facebook on mobile for utility"), Q16 = c("Regarding the use of social media, which of the following options would you prefer?",
"{\"ImportId\":\"QID19\"}", "Using Facebook on PC for entertainment",
"Using Facebook on PC for entertainment", "Using Tiktok on mobile for utility",
"Using Facebook on PC for entertainment"), Q17 = c("Regarding the use of social media, which of the following options would you prefer?",
"{\"ImportId\":\"QID20\"}", "Using Youtube on PC for entertainment",
"Using Youtube on PC for entertainment", "Using Instagram on mobile for utility",
"Using Instagram on mobile for utility"), Q18 = c("Regarding the use of social media, which of the following options would you prefer?",
"{\"ImportId\":\"QID21\"}", "Using Instagram on mobile for entertainment",
"Using Youtube on PC for utility", "Using Instagram on mobile for entertainment",
"Using Instagram on mobile for entertainment")), row.names = c(NA,
-6L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))
this example might help you to solve your problem.
#simulated wide data for reproducibility
wide_data <- read.table(header=TRUE, text='
subject sex time_1 time_2 time_3
1 M 15 16 23
2 F 25 20 48
3 F 30 25 55
4 M 35 32 60
using gather
you should get something like the following.
gather(data = olddata_wide,
key = alternative,
value = time,
c(time_1, time_2, time_3),
subject sex alternative time
1 1 M time_1 15
2 2 F time_1 25
3 3 F time_1 30
4 4 M time_1 35
5 1 M time_2 16
6 2 F time_2 20
7 3 F time_2 25
8 4 M time_2 32
9 1 M time_3 23
10 2 F time_3 48
11 3 F time_3 55
12 4 M time_3 60
If this doesn't help. Please copy a snippet of your data (dca
) to work things out in it. Best!
Using the data you posted:
df<- structure(list(ResponseId = c("Response ID", "{\"ImportId\":\"_recordId\"}",
"R_2V7lrA7n29xU0i6", "R_3nozPOTbJBE1OBa", "R_2TB0WwyWCugTyEg",
"R_2woFtS93jHyiv8F"), Q9 = c("Regarding the use of social media, which of the following options would you prefer?",
"{\"ImportId\":\"QID12\"}", "Using Facebook on PC for utility",
"Using Facebook on PC for utility", "Using Youtube on mobile for entertainment",
"Using Youtube on mobile for entertainment"), Q10 = c("Regarding the use of social media, which of the following options would you prefer?",
"{\"ImportId\":\"QID13\"}", "Using TikTok on PC for utility",
"Using Twitter on mobile for entertainment", "Using Twitter on mobile for entertainment",
"Using Twitter on mobile for entertainment"), Q11 = c("Regarding the use of social media, which of the following options would you prefer?",
"{\"ImportId\":\"QID14\"}", "Using Youtube on PC for utility",
"Using Twitter on mobile for entertainment", "Using Twitter on mobile for entertainment",
"Using Youtube on PC for utility"), Q12 = c("Regarding the use of social media, which of the following options would you prefer?",
"{\"ImportId\":\"QID15\"}", "Using Twitter on mobile for utility",
"Using Twitter on mobile for utility", "Using Twitter on mobile for utility",
"Using Twitter on mobile for utility"), Q13 = c("Regarding the use of social media, which of the following options would you prefer?",
"{\"ImportId\":\"QID16\"}", "Using TikTok on Mobile for utility",
"Using TikTok on Mobile for utility", "Using TikTok on Mobile for utility",
"Using Instagram on PC for entertainment"), Q14 = c("Regarding the use of social media, which of the following options would you prefer?",
"{\"ImportId\":\"QID17\"}", "Using Instagram on PC for utility",
"Using Instagram on PC for utility", "Using Facebook on Mobile for entertainment",
"Using Instagram on PC for utility"), Q15 = c("Regarding the use of social media, which of the following options would you prefer?",
"{\"ImportId\":\"QID18\"}", "Using Twitter on mobile for entertainment",
"Using Twitter on mobile for entertainment", "Using Twitter on mobile for entertainment",
"Using Facebook on mobile for utility"), Q16 = c("Regarding the use of social media, which of the following options would you prefer?",
"{\"ImportId\":\"QID19\"}", "Using Facebook on PC for entertainment",
"Using Facebook on PC for entertainment", "Using Tiktok on mobile for utility",
"Using Facebook on PC for entertainment"), Q17 = c("Regarding the use of social media, which of the following options would you prefer?",
"{\"ImportId\":\"QID20\"}", "Using Youtube on PC for entertainment",
"Using Youtube on PC for entertainment", "Using Instagram on mobile for utility",
"Using Instagram on mobile for utility"), Q18 = c("Regarding the use of social media, which of the following options would you prefer?",
"{\"ImportId\":\"QID21\"}", "Using Instagram on mobile for entertainment",
"Using Youtube on PC for utility", "Using Instagram on mobile for entertainment",
"Using Instagram on mobile for entertainment")), row.names = c(NA,
-6L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))
and using parts of the snippet I posted earlier:
df_long<- gather(data = df,
key = alternative,
value = value_answer,
You should be able to get something like the following, which keeps the Response ID
ResponseId alternative value_answer
<chr> <fct> <chr>
1 "Response ID" Q9 "Regarding the use of social media, which of the foll~
2 "{\"ImportId\":\"_rec~ Q9 "{\"ImportId\":\"QID12\"}"
3 "R_2V7lrA7n29xU0i6" Q9 "Using Facebook on PC for utility"
4 "R_3nozPOTbJBE1OBa" Q9 "Using Facebook on PC for utility"
5 "R_2TB0WwyWCugTyEg" Q9 "Using Youtube on mobile for entertainment"
6 "R_2woFtS93jHyiv8F" Q9 "Using Youtube on mobile for entertainment"
I hope this might help you. Best!