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How to cite Rascal in a paper?

I'm writing a paper and want to cite Rascal. Which is the preferred paper I should cite? Or should I just cite a link to the website? There are no publications mentioned on the website. The Wikipedia entry mentions a publication from 2013 (13th SCAM). Shall I use this one?


  • The Rascal repository has a The SCAM2009 is a common citation indeed.

    To quote it:

    General Language Reference

    You {c,sh,w}ould cite this if:

    • you extended Rascal itself and publish about this
    • you used Rascal as a component of your research method
    • you used Rascal to implement an industrial software project and you wish to credit it
        title = {EASY Meta-Programming with Rascal. Leveraging the Extract-Analyze-SYnthesize Paradigm for Meta-Programming},
        author = {Paul  Klint and Tijs van der Storm and Jurgen J.  Vinju},
        year = {2010},
        booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Summer School on Generative and Transformational Techniques in Software Engineering (GTTSE'09)},
        location = {Braga, Portugal},
        series = {LNCS},
        publisher = {Springer},

    Software Analysis and Transformation (Refactoring)

    You {c,sh,w}ould cite this if:

    • you are working on related work want to position w.r.t. Rascal's features
    • you used Rascal as a component of your own tool
          Author = {Paul Klint and Tijs van der Storm and Jurgen J. Vinju},
          Title = {RASCAL: A Domain Specific Language for Source Code Analysis and Manipulation},
          Booktitle = {Ninth IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM)},
          Doi = {},
          Pages = {168-177},
          Publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
          Year = {2009},