I am trying to understand if there is a default method available in Spark - scala to include empty strings in coalesce.
Ex- I have the below DF with me -
val df2=Seq(
| c1| c2|
| | 1|
The below code will work only for NULL values. But I require the coalesce to work for empty strings as well.
| c1| c2|FirstNonNullOrBlank|
| | 1| |
|null|15_20| 15_20|
Expected Output -
| c1| c2|FirstNonNullOrBlank|
| | 1| 1 |
|null|15_20| 15_20|
What should be the best approach here ?
you need a helper function to "nullify" these records :
def nullify(c: Column) = when(not (c==="" or c==="null"),c)
.withColumn("FirstNonNullOrBlank", coalesce(
| c1| c2|FirstNonNullOrBlank|
| | 1| 1|
|null|15_20| 15_20|