I'm new in Robot Framework, and now get stuck while using DataDriver library in my robot script.
My problem: There is a message : "Variable '${username}' not found." while I run the robot script and the test was FAIL.
This is my robot script:
*** Settings ***
Library DataDriver file=resources/user_password.csv encoding=utf_8 dialect=unix
Test Template Test Credential
*** Test Cases ***
Doing Test Credentials for ${username} and ${password}
*** Keywords ***
Test Credential
[Arguments] ${username} ${password}
Log ${username}
Log ${password}
and this is my CSV file:
*** Test Cases ***, ${username}, ${password}, [Tags], [Documentation]
Valid user, user@mail.com, pass123, Positive, This is valid user credential
Invalid user, invalid@mail.com, pass123, Negative, This user is invalid
Invalid password, user@mail.com, pass, Negative, This password is invalid
Blank user, ${EMPTY}, pass123, Negative, Blank user
Blank password, user@mail.com, ${EMPTY}, Negative, Blank password
Blank user and password, ${EMPTY}, ${EMPTY}, Negative, Blank both user and password
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I think the problem is in:
*** Test Cases ***
Doing Test Credentials for ${username} and ${password}
You're not passing any variables to the keyword as it's shown in the documentation for the DataDriver library: https://github.com/Snooz82/robotframework-datadriver#example-test-suite
A solution would be to pass some values to the keyword:
*** Test Cases ***
Doing Test Credentials for ${username} and ${password} secret-user secret-pwd
Another is the format of your csv file. You include spaces after each comma, if I delete them:
*** Test Cases ***,${username},${password},[Tags],[Documentation]
Valid user,user@mail.com,pass123,Positive,This is valid user credential
I can run it without any problems:
and the report: