I am trying to call an API from a WebApp hosted on firebase.
The API is at:
https://<Server ip>:4446/WebShop/WebShop.asmx/GetItemsInfo
I have the following firebase.json file
"hosting": {
"public": "public",
"ignore": [
"rewrites": [
"source": "**",
"destination": "/index.html"
"redirects": [{
"source": "/WebShop/:path*",
"type": 302
It seems that firebase in ignoring the redirect section. Inspecting the http call fire base calls "Request URL: https://item-inspector.web.app/WebShop" and not redirecting the call to my server, where the API is served from.
Any help on why that is happening will be appreciated.
Found out that this is a limitation built into Firebase.
To use redirect you have to upgrade your fee "Spark" Firebase plan one level up to a "Blaze" Pay As You Go plan.