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PostgreSQL - query against GIN index of HSTORE value

I have the following constructor (as a test):

CREATE TABLE product (id BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, ext hstore);
CREATE INDEX ix_product_ext ON product USING GIN(ext);

INTO    product (id, ext)
SELECT  id, ('size=>' || CEILING(10 + RANDOM() * 90) || ',mass=>' || CEILING(10 + RANDOM() * 90))::hstore
FROM    generate_series(1, 100000) id;

I have the following query, which works ok:

FROM    (
    SELECT  id
    FROM    product
    WHERE  (ext->'size')::INT >= 41
    AND    (ext->'mass')::INT <= 20
) T

But I believe the correct way to do this is using the @> operator. I have the following, but it gives a syntax error:

FROM    (
    SELECT  id
    FROM    product
    WHERE  ext @> 'size>=41,mass<=20'
) T

How should I write this?


  • Reading hstore documentation your (last query) size>=41 does not mean "when size is greater or equal than 41":

    text => text    make single-pair hstore

    Following that you can't write mass<=20, because there is no such operation. Using @> operator:

    hstore @> hstore    does left operand contain right?

    you can write:

    SELECT count(id)
    FROM product
    WHERE ext @> 'size=>41,mass=>20';

    However it takes only these products where size is equal to 41 and mass is equal to 20.