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Calculate variance of wikiPageLength with SPARQL on dbpedia

I wanted to calculate variance (or standard deviation) of wikipedia page length history, for light novel books (Light_novels), with dbpedia (

The SPARQL is here:

PREFIX dbpedia0: <> 
PREFIX term: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?item ((SUM((?n - ?mean)*(?n - ?mean)))/(COUNT(?n) - 1) AS ?variance) 
?item term:subject dbc:Light_novels . 

  ?item dbpedia0:wikiPageLength ?n
      SELECT ?item (AVG(?n) AS ?mean) WHERE {
        ?item dbpedia0:wikiPageLength ?n . 


This gives an error Virtuoso 37000 Error SP031: SPARQL compiler: The name ?n is used in multiple clauses, without any logical connection and I tried modifying the code blindlessly countless times, but ended up no idea how can I achieve that.

I really appreciate your helpful comments. Thanks.


  • Normally this should work

    PREFIX dbpedia0: <> 
    PREFIX term: <>
    PREFIX xsd: <>
    SELECT ?item IF(?count=1,0,(SUM(?x)/(?count-1))) as ?var
    SELECT ?item ?n xsd:integer(?n) as ?ni ?mean xsd:integer(?ni-?mean) as ?nmean ((?nmean)*(?nmean)) as ?x ?count
      ?item dbpedia0:wikiPageLength ?n 
         SELECT ?item AVG(?n2) as ?mean (COUNT(?item)) as $count
           ?item term:subject dbc:Light_novels . 
           ?item dbpedia0:wikiPageLength ?n2
         GROUP BY ?item
    } GROUP BY ?item ?count

    but it throws this error

    Internal Optimized compiler error : Bad dfe in sqlo_place_exp in sqldf.c:2491

    So I have modified it to this one:

    PREFIX dbpedia0: <> 
    PREFIX term: <>
    PREFIX xsd: <>
    SELECT ?item IF(?count=1,-1,(?sx/(?count-1))) as ?var
    SELECT ?item SUM(?x) as ?sx ?count
    SELECT ?item ?n xsd:integer(?n) as ?ni ?mean xsd:integer(?ni-?mean) as ?nmean ((?nmean)*(?nmean)) as ?x ?count
      ?item dbpedia0:wikiPageLength ?n 
         SELECT ?item AVG(?n2) as ?mean (COUNT(?item)) as $count
           ?item term:subject dbc:Light_novels . 
           ?item dbpedia0:wikiPageLength ?n2
         GROUP BY ?item
    } GROUP BY ?item ?count
    • we need to aggregations a. for calculating the mean and b. to calculate the sum of differences of each n from mean.

    • I needed to convert type to integer the variable xsd:integer(?ni-?mean), otherwise it does not show the result of multiply

    • With running the second inner subquery you can see how the variables are modified