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What is the parameter a in scipy.stats.gamma library

I am trying to fit Gamma CDF using scipy.stats.gamma but I do not know what exactly is the a parameter and how the location and scale parameters are calculated. Different literatures give different ways to calculate them and its very frustrating. I am using below code which is not giving correct CDF. Thanks in advance.

from scipy.stats import gamma 
loc = (np.mean(jan))**2/np.var(jan)
scale = np.var(jan)/np.mean(jan)
Jancdf  = gamma.cdf(jan,a,loc = loc, scale = scale)


  • a is the shape. What you have tried works only in the case where loc = 0. First we start with two examples, with shape (or a) = 10 and scale = 5, and the second d1plus50 differs from the first by 50, and you can see the shift which is dictated by loc:

    from scipy.stats import gamma 
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    d1 = gamma.rvs(a = 10, scale=5,size=1000,random_state=99)
    d1plus50 = gamma.rvs(a = 10, loc= 50,scale=5,size=1000,random_state=99)
    plt.legend(loc='upper right')

    enter image description here

    So you have 3 parameters to estimate from the data, one way is use, we apply this on the simulated distribution with loc=0 :

    xlin = np.linspace(0,160,50)
    fit_shape, fit_loc,
    print([fit_shape, fit_loc, fit_scale])
    [11.135335235456457, -1.9431969603988053, 4.693776771991816]
    plt.plot(xlin,gamma.pdf(xlin,a=fit_shape,loc = fit_loc, scale = fit_scale)

    enter image description here

    And if we do it for the distribution we simulated with loc, and you can see the loc is estimated correctly, as well as shape and scale:

    fit_shape, fit_loc,
    print([fit_shape, fit_loc, fit_scale])
    [11.135287555530564, 48.05688649976989, 4.693789434095116]
    plt.plot(xlin,gamma.pdf(xlin,a=fit_shape,loc = fit_loc, scale = fit_scale))

    enter image description here