I am trying to use the class transformer in typescript (node.js): https://github.com/typestack/class-transformer
I would like to flat a JSON using only 1 model , 1 Dto that will go to the DB
if I have the following json :
the DB service should receive the following object:
This what I tried to define but it's not working :
export class Dto{
@Expose({name: "data.test"})
test: string
the result on the test field is undefined how can I achieve that? I don't want to create a "mediator" model
you are trying to flatten a JSON object right? I think you should do it manually. like this
function Flatten(myObj){
const keys = Object.keys(myObj);
const newObj = {};
if (typeof myObj[key] != "object"){
newObj[key] = myObj[key];
const nestedObj = Flatten(myObj[key]);
return newObj;
This is not a TypeScript function but you can turn it into one.
This might not work if the nested Object is an array. you have to do extra checks.
Edit:- if the nested object is array change the if Condition to this
if (typeof myObj[key] == "object" && !Array.isArray(myObj[key])){
const nestedObj = Flatten(myObj[key]);
newObj[key] = myObj[key];