with the x1 and x2 dataframes being: alloc 0.400000 mean 0.000732 stdev 0.015961 rfr 0.000000
alloc 0.200000 mean 0.000957 stdev 0.016520 rfr 0.000000
def create_function_duo(x1df, x2df):
def funct(xi):
#only includes minimization, answer is flipped to negative
return -y
bi = (0,None)
be = (1,None)
bnds = (bi, be)
min_result = spo.minimize(funct, xi, method = 'SLSQP', bounds = bnds, options = {'disp':True}) #,
print('minima found at')
print(min_result.x, min_result.fun)
return min_result.x
Explanation: I'm trying to maximize the sharpe ratio of two funds. I realize this is expected to just spit back 1, but I can't get the minimize function to turn back anything with the bounds. If I declare bounds=(1,0) I get 'int is not iterable'
If I use the above, it spits back 'ValueError: Objective function must return a scalar'
I've even tried to return -y.item() to convert it to a float instead, and that gives an error: 'ValueError: can only convert an array of size 1 to a Python scalar'
I have no idea what's wrong here. the function returns a value (tested), the function declaration is inside the outer function and all x1df and x2dfs should be 'constant' when minimize is called. I need to set the bounds so xi is only between 0 and 1, but y should be free to change. I've tried bi=(0,1), be=(None, None), as well as bi=(None, 0), be=(None, 1), even bi=(0,), be=(1,) ('ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)'). I looked at a bounds question here, but I don't believe I have a Xi variable instead of xi. I don't understand something with bounds, please let me know what I'm doing wrong.
Bounds should be a sequence of (min,max) for each dimension. I understand you have 1 dimension, still it needs to be a sequence. So the following works (note bounds
argument specifying min=0.0, max=1.0 bounds for the first, and only, argument xi)
min_result = spo.minimize(funct, xi, method = 'SLSQP', bounds = ((0,1),), options = {'disp':True}) #,
and produces (the rest of your code intact)
Optimization terminated successfully (Exit mode 0)
Current function value: [-0.05792978]
Iterations: 5
Function evaluations: 10
Gradient evaluations: 5
minima found at
[0.] [-0.05792978]