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How to implement a background thread using java.util.concurrent package?

This is the code I used first but in latest Android version AsyncTask class is deprecated and therefore it was not responding and then I used the Thread class but that class is also not working. I want the same result as I was getting with the AsyncTask class. I know that I have to use some executor class of java.util.concurrent package but don't know which and how to use it. Please help me with this thing.

private static final String USGS_REQUEST_URL =

EarthquakeAsyncTask task = new EarthquakeAsyncTask();
private class EarthquakeAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<String, Void, Event> {

        protected Event doInBackground(String... urls) {

            // Perform the HTTP request for earthquake data and process the response.
            Event result = Utils.fetchEarthquakeData(urls[0]);
            return result;

        protected void onPostExecute(Event result) {
            // Update the information displayed to the user.
private static final String USGS_REQUEST_URL =

earthquakeRunnable runnable = new earthquakeRunnable(USGS_REQUEST_URL);

private class earthquakeRunnable extends Thread{

            String urls;
            earthquakeRunnable(String url){
                this.urls = url;
            public void run() {
                // Perform the HTTP request for earthquake data and process the response.
                Event result = Utils.fetchEarthquakeData(urls);
                // Update the information displayed to the user


  • Here's an example of how you might use an ExecutorService within your Activity/Fragment:

    // Create some member variables for the ExecutorService 
    // and for the Handler that will update the UI from the main thread
    ExecutorService mExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
    Handler mHandler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper());
    // Create an interface to respond with the result after processing
    public interface OnProcessedListener {
        public void onProcessed(Event result);
    private void processInBg(final String url, final boolean finished){
        final OnProcessedListener listener = new OnProcessedListener(){
            public void onProcessed(Event result){
                // Use the handler so we're not trying to update the UI from the bg thread
                    public void run(){
                        // Update the UI here
                        // ...
                        // If we're done with the ExecutorService, shut it down.
                        // (If you want to re-use the ExecutorService,
                        // make sure to shut it down whenever everything's completed
                        // and you don't need it any more.)
        Runnable backgroundRunnable = new Runnable(){
            public void run(){
                // Perform your background operation(s) and set the result(s)
                Event result = Utils.fetchEarthquakeData(url);
                // ...
                // Use the interface to pass along the result

    Then, wherever you need to trigger your background processing:

    processInBg("some_url", true);

    Depending on your situation, you'll want to customize your implementation of ExecutorService to better suit your needs.