I have an n by 2
matrix that contains start and end indices of substrings of a specified string. How can I extract the n by 1
cell array of substrings without a for-loop?
string = 'Hello World!';
ranges = [1 1;
2 3;
4 5;
3 7];
substrings = cell(size(ranges, 1), 1);
for i=1:size(ranges, 1)
substrings{i} = string(ranges(i, 1):ranges(i, 2));
The expected result:
substrings = 'H' 'el' 'lo' 'llo W'
You can use cellfun
to make it a single-line operation:
str = 'Hello World!';
ranges = [ 1 1;
2 3;
4 5;
3 7];
% first convert "ranges" to a cell object
Cranges = mat2cell(ranges,ones(size(ranges,1),1),2);
% call "cellfun" on every row/entry of "Cranges"
cellfun(@(x)str(x(1):x(2)),Cranges, 'UniformOutput',false)
ans =
4×1 cell array
{'H' } {'el' } {'lo' } {'llo W'}
I have changed the variable string
to str
because string
is a native function in MATLAB (converting the input to the type string).
Although this is single-line operation, it doesn't mean that it is more efficient:
Num = 1000000;
substrings = cell(size(ranges, 1), 1);
% time for-loop
for j = 1:Num
for i = 1:size(ranges, 1)
substrings{i} = str(ranges(i, 1):ranges(i, 2));
Cranges = mat2cell(ranges,ones(size(ranges,1),1),2);
% time function-call
for j = 1:Num
substrings = cellfun(@(x)str(x(1):x(2)),Cranges, 'UniformOutput',false);
Elapsed time is 3.929622 seconds. Elapsed time is 50.319609 seconds.