I'm connecting to a Cycling Speed and Cadence service via bluetooth and am saving the peripheral into an array (for tableview).
I have implemented this struct
struct BTPeripheral: Identifiable {
let id: Int
let name: String
let uuid: UUID
let desc: String
and am calling is as
id: discoveredBTDevices.count,
name: peripheral.name!,
uuid: peripheral.identifier,
desc: service.uuid.uuidstring) // trying service.uuid results in error
which results in this output
id: 0,
name: "Wahoo CADENCE 1DE8",
uuid: E98F3843-1C6A-E4DE-6EF3-76B013950007,
desc: "1816"
The description is the string 1816 (which is the UUID of the cycle Speed & Cad service)
let serviceCyclingSpeedAndCadenceUUID = CBUUID(string: "1816")
How can I convert the 1816 into the string "Cycling Speed and Cadence" which is what gets printed out
print(service.uuid) // this results in "cycling Speed and Cadence"
As noted above, putting service.uuid
results in an error Cannot convert value of type 'CBUUID' to expected argument type 'String'
You can just get its description
(which, IIRC, is what print
will do eventually, as CBUUID
conforms to CustomStringConvertible
Or use a string interpolation:
produces the same result too, but I wouldn't use this unless this is actually for debugging.