I trying to make an @POST
request. When I make this request
@Headers("token: rAhUCUo-wz-Sbtwjt1")
Call<GetEntires> getEntires(@Field("a")String method,
@Field("session")String SessionId);
I get in response: HTML code of site API, but when I make a request in a special program (is Chrome app - ARC) I get the right response, which equals response from documentation of API. Example of request from documentation of API:
curl --header "token: EXAMPLETOKEN" --data "a=new_session" https://bnet.i-partner.ru/testAPI/
Where I made mistake or whatever?
UPDATE: How look request in text from app ARC:
POST /testAPI/ HTTP/1.1
HOST: bnet.i-partner.ru
token: rAhUCUo-wz-Sbtwjt1
content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryLA3TDEc7BbGOFNMS
content-length: 256
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="a"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="session "
And response from server:
"status": 1,
"data": [
for me, it works:
fun createPost(@Part("a") post: String?,
@Part("session") post2: String?): Call<Post?>?
I used @Part