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How do I turn a list argument to a macro into a heavily modified but quoted list as a result?

How do I turn a list argument to a macro into a heavily modified but quoted list as a result?

I translated into Lisp John Foster's example for converting win32 WM_* messages into helpful text. Convert Windows Message IDs to Text

I needed to define the win32 constants and a macro seemed perfect for calling (defconstant WM_PAINT 15) and registering WM_PAINT and "WM_PAINT" automatically.

Working Test Code:

(defmacro def-windows-message (&rest rest )
    "Converts a list of windows messages into defconstant and a string lookup in GetMessageText."
    `(block nil 
        ,@(loop for pair in rest collect
            `(defconstant ,(car pair) ,(cadr pair)))
        (defparameter *windows-message-lookup* #(
            ,@(loop for pair in rest collect (cons (cadr pair) (string (car pair) )))
        (defun GetMessageText (id) 
            (destructuring-bind (index text)
                (msgid_to_index id *windows-message-lookup* 0 (length *windows-message-lookup*))
                (if (= index -1)
                    (format nil "(WM_? ~a)" id)
                    ; else
        (defun msgid_to_index (target_id array min_idx max_idx)
            (let* ( (cur_idx (floor (/ (+ max_idx min_idx) 2)))
                    (cur_pair (aref array cur_idx))
                    (cur_id (car cur_pair))
                    (cur_text (cdr cur_pair)))
                    ((= target_id cur_id) (list cur_idx cur_text))
                    ((> target_id cur_id) 
                        (if (= cur_idx min_idx)
                            '(-1 nil)
                            ; else
                            (msgid_to_index target_id array cur_idx max_idx)))
                    ((< target_id cur_id) 
                        (if (= cur_idx max_idx)
                            '(-1 nil)
                            (msgid_to_index target_id array min_idx cur_idx)))

; Test it!
    (WM_NULL 0)
    (WM_CREATE 1))
(format t "~a~%" (GetMessageText 0))
(format t "~a~%" (GetMessageText 1))
(format t "~a~%" (GetMessageText -1))
(format t "~a~%" (GetMessageText 99))

Working Output:

C:\lisphack>clisp test_macro_long_list.lisp
(WM_? -1)
(WM_? 99)

Excellent. That's exactly what I want.

However, when I add 240 more windows messages to the list, it fails.

Long List Failure Output: *** - VALUES-LIST: too many return values

This message means that too many function parameters are being passed to the #() function.

I finally just create the array empty and then loop through the list inserting each element into teh array.

Working but gross snippet:

(defparameter *windows-message-looup* (make-array ,(length rest) :initial-element '(-1 Nil)))
    ,@(loop for pair in rest for idx from 0 collect `(setf (aref *windows-message-lookup* ,idx) (cons ,(cadr pair) ,(string (car pair) ))))

What I really want is to convert the &rest list into the proper form, then send that list into the array constructor as initial values:

Elegant but flawed

(defparameter *windows-message-lookup* (make-array ,(length rest) 
    ,@(loop for pair in rest collect (cons (cadr pair) (string (car pair) )))

Error: *** - EVAL: 0 is not a function name; try using a symbol instead I think that means the eventual parameter to make-array is being executed instead of quoted as an initializer.

I need one extra quote on the resulting list. One More Quote

(defparameter *windows-message-lookup* (make-array ,(length rest) 
    `,@(loop for pair in rest collect ,(cons (cadr pair) (string (car pair) )))))

Error: *** - READ: the syntax ,@form is invalid`

I've tried a few variations adding extra backquotes or moving the parenthesis around, but they result in a list of my list or the argument pairs executing instead of reading.

[EDITED] Thank-you. This looks better than what I was attempting. For my education, what's the correct form of this macro?

(defmacro def-windows-message (&rest rest )
    `(defparameter *windows-message-lookup* 
            ,(length rest) 
            `(,@(loop for pair in rest collect ,(cons (cadr pair) (string (car pair) )))))))

For an input of (def-windows-message '((onefish 1) (twofish 2) .. )) I want (make-array 999 '( (onefish "onefish") (twofish "twofish") ... )) as the result.

I'm having trouble with correctly quoting the resulting list and still processing it in the macro.


  • I tried to understand what this macro was doing but gave up when I realised it's using binary search on an array to find the message. This is why translating C into Lisp is almost never the right answer.

    I am not completely sure but I think you probably want this:

    (defvar *windows-message-lookup*
      ;; Unless you have vast numbers of messages (thousands) and/or the
      ;; code is very performance sensitive, this could as well be an
      ;; alist
    (defmacro def-windows-messages (&body messages)
      "Define a bunch of windows messages, each message is (name id)"
        ,@(loop for (name id) in messages
                collect `(defconstant ,name ,id)
                collect `(setf (gethash ,id *windows-message-lookup*)
                               (string ',name)))
    (defun get-message-text (id) 
      "Return the text associated with ID and T if it's found, or a string
    saying it's not found and NIL if it's not found."
      (multiple-value-bind (text foundp)
          (gethash id *windows-message-lookup*)
        (values (if foundp text (format nil (format nil "(WM_? ~a)" id)))

    And now:

    > (def-windows-messages
        (WM_NULL 0)
        (WM_CREATE 1))
    > (get-message-text 0)
    > (get-message-text 1)
    > (get-message-text -1)
    "(WM_? -1)"
    > (get-message-text 99)
    "(WM_? 99)"

    Note that as the code now is (it was previously slightly different) it would work to say

    (defconstant some-id 12)
      (WM_FOO some-id))

    As an example of the quoting problems which were part of the original macro, here is a macro called define-message-array which can be used to define arrays of messages in a similar way to the original macro. It differs from the original macro in that you can specify the name of the array.

    (defmacro define-message-array (name &body from)
      `(defparameter ,name
         (make-array ,(length from) 
                     '(,@(loop for (n v) in from
                               collect (cons v (string n)))))))

    Note that there is no nested backquoting here: you don't often need that.

    With this, then

    (define-message-array *foo*
      (x 1)
      (y 2))

    expands to

    (defparameter *foo*
      (make-array 2 :initial-contents '((1 . "X") (2 . "Y"))))