According to the RESTEasy modules in WildFly documentation:
In WildFly, RESTEasy and the JAX-RS API are automatically loaded into your deployment's classpath if and only if you are deploying a JAX-RS application (as determined by the presence of JAX-RS annotations).
However I don't really understand this paragraph. What does it exactly mean? As an exmaple, let's say I want to use ResteasyClient
in a class. My IDE tells me that I must add this dependency in the corresponding pom.xml
. But then how does that go with the above quote?
My pom.xml
already includes this:
When looking at this BOM it looks as if the resteasy-client
is already included?
My IDE tells me that I must add this dependency in the corresponding pom.xml
Yes, you must declare this dependency in your pom.xml if you use the API of it, but you only need provided
-scope, because as the documentation said, it is already included in your deployment's classpath. If you use only the standard api defined in wildfly-jakartaee8, you do not need this dependency.